About 4 years ago I was diagnosed Manic Bipolar. Don't ask me how we found out, unless your ready to strap in for a wild ride. While I was in an episode, I dug up some old art supplies. And BOOM! I managed to bust out 3 of my most favorite paintings in less than 2 hrs. All while talking to Donald Trump & Kanye West. Like I said, It was a wild ride.
After I came out of my episode the depression kicked in. I always had physical outlets growing up, but with a bum knee and major anxiety, I wasn't capable of utilizing my previous outlets. I couldn't explain the images and thoughts that riddled my mind so I decided to paint them.
Now I start my day with an hr of Studio time. It keeps me level and nurtures my soul.
Through healthy expression, and the love I receive from my beautiful wife and son, I've bounced back. The most gratifying feeling is having someone look at my art and identify with it. I love when a piece of work stirs emotions. If I'm in the studio, I am reflecting. Art is my truest form of meditation.

Yea, I love Basquiat & Banksy.
But my biggest inspirations are two that have touched my lives with their art, stories & friendship.
My uncle, Marcus Collar Patterson, is one of the most talented artist I've had the pleasure of knowing. He's big in the comic book scene these days, but he can literally do anything. Thanks for sticking a brush in my hand as a baby, giving me the keys to the kingdom.
And last, my aunt's husband, Tyson Montrucchio. I never met this mad genius, but his art speaks to me in ways only a tormented soul could understand. He may not be with us today, but his art will speak for generations. Rest In Peace to a legend.